Alien alert!!
I was attracted to the beautiful patterns the raindrops had made on the numerous cobwebs across the heathland walk with Indie. This chap, chapette, came to check out what was going on outside its pad. Staying underground was a good shout yesterday morning. If I'd done the same I would'nt have got caught out by the rain, getting completely soaked. It's only rain, not cold, just wet, running off the bottom of my waterproof jacket onto my non waterproof jeans, gradually working its way down the legs into my waterproof welly boots. Hhhmmm! There was a touch of rising damp as well. Could'nt see a thing through my glasses, so at least my camera stayed dry. I changed into my waterproof trousers back at Mum's, (they were in the boot of my car). I did check the weather forecast, Saturday night. Rain Monday, no mention of Sunday. Hey ho!!
Home & dried out, the waterproof jacket, now that it had stopped raining, hanging outside to dry.
Hubby wanted to go supermarket shopping ... on a Sunday???? I relented, it was a fairly swift & painless exercise. First Asda, beer for John, plus a pair of jeans for me .. The split jeans of last week I've decided are beyond repairing, so older jeans go down the pecking order, hence needing a NEW :-D pair. An ex work colleague, Maeve, was operating the checkout... I grabbed 10 tubs of chewing gum, needing to replace my supply. Chatting as I made the transaction I did'nt think anything of the bill until walking back to the, when I mentally tallied it up. I'd misread the pricing at the checkout. I normally pay £1 per tub .. these were £2.30. OUCH! I went back in and joined the customer service queue. Sorted!. Next stop, Tesco's, hubby has a problem with his mobile phone. I have no idea how to fix. The very helpful staff sort him out while I do a quick shop. Lastly, Home Bargains, to buy the chewing gum. A visit I thought I'd saved. Quick & painless, but not without a few more purchases added to the basket. Dried apricots, prunes, & cranberries are ridiculously cheap, as were the Spanish black olives. I feel a tagine moment happening in the kitchen at Chez 81 very soon.
A late lunch snack then hubby went to watch football up the pub, I gardened for 2 hours, pulling out Monbretia which is becoming a bit of a thug, plus tidying beds & between the brick paviors.
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Watched Pretty Woman - Julia Roberts & Richard Gere, I think one of my all time favourite films, this was followed by Sleeping With the Enemy, another Julia Roberts film, which I had'nt seen before, hence a very late night. It did'nt finish til 1am.
Raining this morning so
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