Hot! (Day 1871)

The morning woofer wander was cold and dreich. Thick mist on the hill meant the dogs kept disappearing from view and came home fairly wet.
A bit later I loaded the dogs and various stuff into the truck and zoomed across to Mum and Dad's to do a bit of strimming. It was still dreich as I finished the strimming and made a start on rotavating another grassy bank for Mum. By lunchtime it was clearing and getting warmer and I continued the rotavating while Mum and Dad took the dogs for a wander.
I gave up on the rotavating for the day when  my beautiful wife arrived having finished her 24 hour shift. It was grand to sit in the garden and have a blether with mum and dad before we went to check on the hosses. The day has got better and better, and it was hot down at the field. More days like this would be lovely.

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