Walking Day

Saturday 20th June 2020

Today should have been my niece's wedding. Thinking of the two of them especially today. 

It would also have been our annual village Walking Day  The Walking Day tradition here goes back to 1877 and has taken place every year, only cancelled during the war years. Very few have been cancelled outright because of rain. So 2020 will go down in Walking Day history - cancelled because of a global pandemic. 

I had an idea a couple of days ago and our organist assisted by sending me video of him playing a couple of hymns, now he's allowed back in church. After a morning meeting I spent a couple of hours filming and editing together a virtual Walking Day service to go out on Facebook as a surprise for people. 

One of our Tots mum's had sent me a photo this morning of her daughter in her walking day dress, excited about their garden party this afternoon. Her mum said she believed Revd Janet would be doing a drive past. Well, I don't like to disappoint so I said I would. This conversation was on our WhatsApp group so it wasn't long before I had another invite from a Tots Worship family. As it was a lovely afternoon I decided to go on the bike. 

As I approached the first garden there was a very excited Tot waiting for me. We had quite a chat, socially distanced of course. I then went on to the other garden and did the same, the two Tots there were also very excited. It made it a lovely afternoon. 

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