
Must have hit the snooze button too many times this morning. When it reaches a certain point the alarm turns itself off...reactivating 12 hours later and apparently leading to flatmate removing said alarm clock from my bedroom!

Wonderful, restful Sunday :) possibly too restful...accidental 2 hour afternoon nap! Between that and the repeated snooze button hitting I must have been more tired than I thought...

Baby creche was a little extra noisy this morning...lots of tired babies! But still lovely to get chatting to the mums....and aren't babies wonderful examples of creation?!

Back to flat and further attempts at tasty soft food. It's a challenge, but it's do-able. And being forced to sit and easy my food very, very slowly is maybe no bad thing!

Aforementioned nap...zzz!

Church@prayer this evening was really encouraging. Mini-sermon and communion served as double gospel reminders and great to hear updates on various evangelistic things being run & supported by the church. Had the opportunity to share prayer points for or upcoming CU's events week...being on teas & coffees at the end meant lots of people coming up to me, showing their interest & committing to pray...wonderful!

Encouraged, rested, refreshed. Thankful for fellowship and God's provision and sovereignty. Ah, Sunday :)

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