Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Washing days...

I really struggled for a photo today. I took lots, many were blurry. I'm still trying to vaguely connect my photos to what I've done each day (where possible) but you know, big piles of old boxes, really don't make a great photo. Maybe they will if I get bored and build them in to a fort in the living room, but for the minute, they're uninspiring.

I blinded myself taking this photo, who would have thought the inside of a washing machine was so reflective. I'm currently plowing my way through the most gigantic pile of washing in the world. Half of it didn't need washed but last time the boy moved, all his clothes were just thrown in a giant bag, regardless of whether they were clean or not, so now, it all needs washed.

Assignment has to be posted tomorrow so maybe I'll finally get chance to go outside and take some pictures rather than subjecting you to the various things I can find in my flat.

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