
By hpx

Insect aerobics

Edit: I confess, I trained this little guy and shortly I will be unleashing by ladybird circus on the the world ;-)

What a funny old day and boy I'm glad it's nearly over.

I heard today my surgery is post-phoned :-( Initially it wasn't explained very well and I found that difficult. We got there in the end and I understand my misbehaving insides need more tests to determine if the current plan is the best one.

While disappointing and frustrating, now it's been explained I can start to get my head around it. Ultimately I'll have the best outcome and hey, I might even find more machines to blip! ;-)

I don't have a new date for surgery yet (tests and follow up first) but it's likely to be 3-4 weeks away. I'll just have to take things one day at a time.

At one stage this afternoon I had to get out of the office and take a walk. I took my camera and found a dead flower in an angst-like position and thought "perfect".

Later on I found this little ladybug. I rescued it off the floor and put it in front of a window with side lighting. It started raising it's legs and I swear it was watching me! (or more likely the lens).

It made me grin and I just had to blip it.

Edit: Yesterday I went for a blip wander at lunchtime with Yellow. She posted blip that looks like a munted version of me at the top of the rise. I swear I have arms and wasn't wearing boots! It's very cool and worth a look.

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