
I'm pleased my frenzy has reduced, though if you're a duck and there is bread then it is a feeding frenzy.

I had a very early start today with a few things to complete at home, then a crisp start at work so I could depart early to pick Mum and Dad up at the airport.

We stopped for a small hpx errand at the camera shop on the way home. I got new caps for camera body and lens, they got a new camera. Yep, no comparison there ;-)

I hope we have lots of opportunities for them to use it, including kind weather suitable for taking photos of beautiful New Zealand scenery at Okarito. It will be great to see them feeling comfortable and up to speed using it. Maybe they'll even blip ;-)

This is one of the first times I've relaxed in ages. Think I might just kick back and watch a bit of telly with them, and then slip into a deep and long sleep.


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