
By FarmerGirl

It's a glorious day

The alarm went off at 4.20am this morning, and I could have easily stayed in bed. Instead, I had to get up and go and milk. It was pitch black outside, and very warm, we had to put the fans on in the milking shed. It is amazing how much longer it is dark in the morning - a few weeks ago it was starting to get lighter at 5.30am; now it is around 6.10/6.15am that it is starting to get lighter.

We got home, had breakfast, then I decided to head back to bed, and catch up on some of the 3 hours I was cut short from getting up so early. And it was good. It started to rain about 10am - we've had consistent rain most of the day. Just what we need.

This is a photo of one of my rose bushes. A down side of the rain is that it unfortunately ruins the flowers - here it was raining so heavy, I just stepped outside on the terrace and took this photo.

We are having a bit of a lazy afternoon. The boys are watching the NFL Superbowl - not that I really think they understand the game - I certainly don't!

Back to school tomorrow, after 7 and a half weeks off on holiday. It will certainly be peaceful for 6 hours!

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