The cutting .....

.... edge ( Hedge)!
"A" and I went to knights garden centre this pm, 1st time since lockdown, all very well organised . Didn't feel fearful at all, common sense will prevail! I'm fed up of living in fear, I know with care I'm protected , so hey ho I haven't got many years left I'm going to enjoy them.
I got a new pair of shears. Couple of geraniums and a couple of tricolour Calibrachoa ( Triobells) I'm sure they used to be called a million bells ? , and new wire for the strimmer.
We then sat on the green and had a cuppa that I'd taken with us . Such a beautiful day but we definitely needed shade and we certainly got that it was lovely.
Stay safe everyone , hope you've enjoyed your day.

Grateful .... for "A's" help this pm

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