
By CharlotteJ

Early Sun Rise

Early meeting this morning but had time to stop for this beautiful sun rise - it is looking towards my offices.

Saw my osteopath today, she's a good lady! Wrist was out of alignment so that was all put back and I can now grip things without wincing (driving to work was fun!) and I had also managed to bring my collarbone out of slight alignment, apparently I am very lucky I did not break my collar bone on Saturday!! All feeling tons better.

Millie is on house arrest this afternoon - couple of reasons 1. She is deaf and has to have supervised garden visits and I am a bit busy working blipping at the present time and 2. The main reason why she is indoors, there are two massive Red Kites scouring the village....I wanted a photo of the two but clearly I was pushing my luck. So Millie is indoors for now!!

Off to London tomorrow, another early start but all good fun - I adore being squashed up to people I dont know on the underground!!!

Thank you for yesterdays hearts / stars and lovely kind comments

Much love


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