
By cowgirl

Hot hooves!

I love this hot weather! After work a couple of the owners asked me to take some photos of their horses, with a view to drawing one of them ( Patches, the lighter coloured one ) as they have a picture of Kate already. It was challenging to get some decent photos! I thought to take some photos with a nice background for them to keep too but we couldn’t go on the grass as all they wanted to do was eat! So we had to stand on the stones and Chris made silly noises and waved her hands about, trying to get them to look pretty, whilst her hubby Roger kept telling her to get out of the shot!! I’ve put a few in the extras.

Later, for the first time this year, I spent time with everyone at the farm. We socially distanced as much as possible ( when there’s 4 kids aged 3 - 8 ) ...

It was Alice’s 5th birthday but I didn’t get a photo of her! There was too much going on, after 6 months not seeing everyone together at the farm.

The kids were playing in a paddling pool when I got there, with Aunty Em baby sitting. She was pleased to see me!

There’s great excitement about kittens at the farm, even though there are always kittens there thesedays ... I’ve added an extra of Mary and myself holding one ( that’s the exciting bit, as they’re usually too wild to catch! ).

I was invited to stay for dinner, which was a really nice moment. It’s little things like this that I miss, chaos as the kids are rabbiting on whilst the adults try to have a conversation!

I help Lou to put the horses out later, after Emma had gone home ( to recover! ) and noticed these calves cooling off in their water trough!

Rachel took her two kidlings home.

Lou helped her dad with the milking ( she’d already milked her herd, by the way, whilst her hubby was silaging ) whilst her mum bathed her two girls and I washed up.

Hair washing was a surprise extra for their grandma - 3 yr old Harriet decided it was going to happen, then once she was all lathered up decided she’d had enough and tried to get out of the bath! Jean managed to get the situation under control and hair was rinsed.

I was honoured to be asked to dry their hair and we were all done just as Lou appeared, ready to take them home to bed.

Suddenly it was all quiet! Jean and I put the dishes away, then she put her overalls on and went to feed her calves, and I headed home.

Felt like it’d been my birthday <3

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