Shades of blue

Much cooler last night so slept better.....heard the rain on the windows once or twice in the night. I was awake on and off from 7. Up and off for a run just after 9.30..... overcast, windy and likely to rain, but needs must, not had. run all week as its been too hot!

Enjoyed it, despite it being hard work, got my session finished without any breaks and did 3 additional runs on my way about 12 minutes running in all.....doesnt sound alot, but added to 50 minutes very brisk walking totalled 6.5 kms...just need to do it 3 times a week, weather permitting. I dont mind getting wet, just not wise to run when its too hot.
Made it home wihout getting drenched too!

Popped in to the garden for todays blip.....this dark bluey purple Veronica is a fairly new addition, it looks lovely alongside my lavender.

Showered and hair dried, its taking longer and longer to style......roll on 28th, my appointment is booked! Just have to decide what Im going to do.....let it grow out or have it coloured again :-/

The rain started with avengence mid morning and didnt stop until around 6 this evening!!

We had a late Full English, Sw style brunch, read the papers, had a coffee, watched a film, Gemini Man with Will Smith, we enjoyed it!

Dinner was a full on roast, almost a Christmas dinner.......roast turkey with bacon, stuffing, cranberry sauce, cabbage, carrots, courgettes, roast potatoes and gravy..... followed by fresh summer fruits and a spoonful of clotted cream ;-)

Weather for the week looks pretty rubbish..... no plans other than to see sis and a friend on Tuesday all being well.

Have a good new week everyone, stay safe

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