Mask up

(See yesterday)

... The night didn't go well. Sleep didn't sort the drunk feeling. It progressed to shakes and hot and cold sweats, fainting and palpitations.

By 8.30 I was trying to get out of bed, high as a kite now. Mr B said my eyes were all over the place. I was all over the place. This was not a good feeling.

By 9.30 we were in A&E where they tested me left right and centre. No toxins in the blood, no effect on the heart, nothing showing up on chest x-ray. An infection showed up in my blood, I didn't even know I had an infection!


Sent home with an inhaler to help with breathing.

Never felt such a fool; who doesn't wear a mask when spraying solvents?


This is Miss B 'plugged in' in my cubicle. The kids were very patient. My husband was very patient too, considering what an idiot his wife had been.

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