Kung Hei Fat Choy

Chinese New Year trip to Manchester.
The chidlers have been so excited about it all week.
Started at St Annes Square to see the trees laiden with lanterns, very pretty in the sunlight.
Got to Albert square just in time to see the beginning of the procession.
Through to Manchester Art Gallery for a 'family workshop exploring the ancient art of chinese brush painting' and to see 'Mei Mei' perform a classic Chinese dance. Follwing her mesmerising and delicate dance she invited children up to have a try at doing a fan dance. Miss B held back but Master B went for it and certainly got in the mood!

The whole day would have been great if it weren't for Master B constantly finding a whole bucket of stuff to moan loudly about, Mr B feeling decidedly under the weather and me having an attack of hormones of great proportion. Not great.

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