We spent most of the morning in the garden weeding, not my favorite thing but we had a nice sense of satisfaction when we were done. The heat finally became too much for us so we had to quit before we were quite done.  The good news is our current pandemic lifestyle assures that we will have plenty of time to finish it.  It did remind me later in the day that when I stiffened up that I am probably not getting enough exercise, so I going to make a concerted effort to go with my husband when he runs and walk during that time (my running days are long over).  I need to separate my photography from my exercise, because when I go with the camera, photography wins out, and I don't get the workout I need.  It will definitely  be hard to leave the camera behind.

Spent the afternoon on the computer working on the Lightroom Catalog.  I am still in the process of corralling all my photos and getting them into my master catalog.  It is making me get very ruthless with what I save which is long overdue.  

Had a nice long chat with Treehugger (my sister) this evening.  Always good for my soul. 

There are lots of pollinators in my garden now that everything is flowering.  Makes for an easy blip. Thanks to everyone who stopped by and left lovely comments on the photos of my two youngest grandchildren.  Not seeing them is perhaps the hardest part of this period of isolation. 

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