Talisker (Day 1880)

First job of the day was to drop Sigyn off at the vet before a zoom round Tesco to collect stuff for Mum.
Back home briefly to collect  my beautiful wife and Talisker, then along to Stromness to drop off shopping at Mum and Dad's on the way to the horses.
The horses seem to be really enjoying the grass in the new field after their move yesterday, and as HV and I did the poo pick, we found a few area where the horses had obviously been lying flat out. Talisker thought the grass made quite a comfy bed too and he spent a while lying around before Mum and Evie joined us to get out for a ride on the horses. Despite the drizzly rain, it was good to be out.
Home for lunch and I got a call to say Sigyn was out of surgery and would be ready to collect a little later. She was in to have a growth removed from her elbow which has appeared recently and is going to be on restricted exercise for the next ten days.
I reckon Talisker is pleased to have her back home.

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