Across the flow (Day 1881)

We were a little concerned by Sigyn's leg swelling up last night and this morning, with no improvement, I phoned the vet and arranged for her to be seen.
I headed off to a job down in Burray, leaving  my beautiful wife to take Sigyn to the vet. All of the dressings were removed and her foot has now returned to normal.
The job in Burray was to fit two outside taps for the customer, but when I got there and had a look, I persuaded the customer that they would be better off with one outside tap and a longer hose. The tap I did fit meant a fair bit of new pipework, and took a bit longer than expected. There was a "while you are here" job too, meaning I was a lot later getting back to town and another couple of small jobs.
Home for a late lunch with HV then a trip down to the horses to start stringing new electric fencing to divide the field up a bit more.

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