Buddy IS a she

If you saw my blip on Saturday, you will remember my dilemma learning that Pinkie’s correct name is Buddy.

Today on our walk we passed by the aviary. Initially ‘he’ was nowhere to be seen. Then I spotted a charming gentleman feeding ‘him’ (see the extra).

I ended up chatting, as one does. He’s been a volunteer at the aviary for years (lived in Australia for some years, so familiar with the wild birds - corrected my pronunciation of Galah - accent is on the second syllable!).

He explained Buddy’s been there for just over a year, ‘donated’ by previous owner who regretted keeping him in a small cage. In the aviary the birds have (some) room to fly around, and other birds and visitors to socialise with.

Then the big revelation, Buddy IS a female. She was DNA’d on arrival. Not surprisingly, I’m not the only one to call HER Pinkie.

Thanks to Laurie54 for today’s Mono Monday challenge “ any mono NOT in B&W”. Couldn’t resist including the pink hydrangea Isnapped today.

Some good news, fundraising for a larger new aviary is complete. A kind lady left a substantial bequest. Covid has delayed progress, but otherwise it’s ready to go. Great for the birds when it happens.

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