Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Hanging On

On the whole, lockdown hasn't been bad for us. We're used to living the quiet life, far from family. We've had plenty to do to keep us from fretting ... but I'm beginning to feel the need for fresh fields ... So, today's challenge was to find somewhere local to walk that we hadn't already explored.
The area just north of the town is home to the Rugby Club and the Waste Water Treatment Facility ( or the Sewage Works, as we used to say), so not very promising. But we were pleasantly surprised. 

Riverside Park is the name of the Rugby Ground. It's on one of the few flat patches of land. That's how important rugby is ...  I've put in some extras of what we saw as we strolled along. The main picture is the cable of the little bridge that takes you over the river. An interesting experience - the signs say a maximum of 6 persons, but it was bouncing madly with two of us on it. 

We saw buzzards, caterpillars, orchids, a couple of Painted Ladies ( so vividly coloured, is it just the clean air this year?). I only had my phone, so no close ups, sadly.

The final extra, TM suggests, is the away team's changing room .... not true I'm sure. 

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