Bathing Beauty

Woke up after another good nights sleep..... actually had cold feet last night!!

Up reasonably sharpish, its certainly been jeans and jumper weather today.

Was tipping it down as I was stood eating my breakfast in the kitchen. This blackbird took great delight in having a proper flap around in the birdbath, despite the heavy rain.....dashed to grab my camera. Had trouble focusing on him the time I got him, he had hoped up onto the rim, but I quite like the droplets and wet ruffled look :-) Blip in the bag!

Then I was off to see my sis, turned out to be a good trip, busier than it has been though.
We went to two garden centres before getting thr top soil we both needed....and neither had the netting that hub wanted for his blueberry bushes :-/

Called into Sainsburys, we needed to stock up on wines, our favourite red was on offer, sadly not the white. We bought some teaspoons so we would be eat our lunch from M&S, as they have stopped providing their wooden forks :-/ We walked into Marks' to find an exceptionally long queue, at least 30 minutes wait...we only wanted our prawn salad tubs, decided it wasnt worth it, so didnt need the teaspoons after all!!

Back to sis's house instead, she made us a lovely roast ham salad wrap instead. Spent an hour chatting, Kobi was pottering between us.
I left a little earlier than usual as I had made arrangements to pop and see a friend...we hadnt seen each other for 4 months.

The Coffee and distanced catch up was great.
Im slightly envious as they are jetting off to their place in Spain tomorrow for a few weeks!
I didnt leave there until just after 4.30. I was amazed how quiet it was on the roads....whats happened to the rush hour?! Still obviously a lot of people off work me thinks!

Dinner tonight was griddled peppered mackerel, we both enjoy it, not so much the smell in the house afterwards though :-/ We have it crispy cut up on top of a big bowl of mixed salad, with hardboiled eggs and homemade crunchy Waldorf salad :-)

More football on team again! So far so good, 2-0 up, not yet half time....hopefully will lead to a good result.

Another month of the year has slipped buy uneventfully......stay safe everyone.

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