
By FergInCasentino

Bouteaky thanks

Thank you to all those Blippers who gave a wee nod to the milestone. ‘yonks’ is a great word. ‘Time out of hand’ as Patrick O’Brien would have had Jack Aubrey say it.

The light men are still with us. The ever-patient Giacomo twisting lights around their axes, the snappy super competent boss, ‘Vabono’ Andrea and Luca the master of the chiaroscuro, the light and bulb wizard.

It is a wonder to watch these guys transform our dowdy light and very shady spaces into a mis en scene. This photo just a glimpse of the way a light gives ‘definizione’ in its artisanal and architectural qualities while the light itself - the intensity, spread, projection and colour ...

But really. We’ve never been through this process of making light of it, if you will, before. Lucky privileged chancers that we are to have pitched up in the super genuine Casentino. Huzzah and bloody huzzah.

A couple of extras from outside as the water board (our seventy strong co-op of interlinking springs) imposes the summer’s daily 150l limit because some tosser from the city wanted to fill his effing pool.

Gianluca is home from his heart op. In good spirits. Taking it easy for a month. You couldn’t meet a nicer bloke.

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