
Fourteen weeks of lockdown by my reckoning. I can remember on our early walks, Dan and I would speculate how long it would last for and three months seemed like long enough (and quite a daunting prospect) but that milestone has passed.

If I had to suggest one thing that has helped me cope, it's been the routine. The most important element of that has been the daily walk with Dan. That in turn has lent focus to my working day, giving me a deadline by which to get things done so that tasks don't drift on into the early evening. And there have been the little daily activities like the washing up and the laundry.

And weekly, there has been my radio show, Electronic Ears. I still need to find fifty minutes of music each week for the playlist, make my notes, and, on a Sunday, record the thing. Today's photo is of my set up: iTunes on the left; my microphone; Adobe Audition in the middle; a cup of coffee; and my notes on the right. (You can hear today's show here.)

Later on the afternoon there was something approaching a break in the rain so Dan and I went for our walk. It was still bad enough that we decided on our short walk: two and a half miles, taking in Devil's Bridge, Ruskin's View, and the rugby club. (To see the difference a couple of days of heavy rain can make, compare today's extra with my entry from the 5th of June.) 

And in the evening we watched 'The Boat That Rocked'. What a fantastic film. Dan hadn't seen it before and absolutely loved it.

-11.3 kgs
Reading: 'Circe' by Madeline Miller

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