I think it's going to rain today

We had had word late last night to get to Queensferry Road by 11 am. I realised that I hadn't left time to get there on foot (it's about 5 km and I'm a slow walker) so I ventured on to a no 22 bus - first bus I've been on for more than 3 months. The hearse conveying Stoddy's coffin came round the the corner from Belford Rd at 11 am sharp and a sizeable crowd who were ranged along the pavement applauded and cheered him. I only got a photo at the last minute, and hence the tail end of the crowd. Don't think I've got Trev and C in the frame, although they were there. Everyone in masks and/or under umbrellas made spotting people difficult. We walked together back to T & C's car and then D and I went for a stroll through the Dean Gardens on our way back to the bus. It was so beautiful in there - green and lush and almost empty.

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