Full flow

A routine trip down to the Gateshead office was rendered somewhat tedious by the train down being twenty minutes late and without heating in the carriage or any buffet facilities for cattle standard class; and then the train home being twenty five minutes late due to a preceding train having been cancelled and a door closing issue at Peterborough (Joan). The weather was baltic/Baltic.

Still, I got home in time for us to make it to Pizza Express to meet up with some old pals, some of whom had travelled all the way from Welsh Wales (the others all the way from Linlithgow). Their various children mostly stared at glowing screens and the killing of their time whilst us old folks talked about Richard III's skull and reminisced about various scandalous goings-on in Oxford back in the '80s, some of them in Pizza Express come to think of it (certain people got banned - no names, no pack drill). What the Uruguayan visitor made of it all I dread to think.

The photos were very poor, I'm afraid, but this one gives some impression of Cath in full flow, bless her.

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