Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

As a man thinketh....

I have felt down for some time; I have allowed my thoughts to become my feelings and as such have become negative about a lot of situations around me.
I am very lucky to have good friends and family that I can confide in, but have found it difficult to explain the negativity I have been consumed by.

A while ago, a good friend suggested a book to read "As A Man Thinketh by James Allen". At the time, I wasn't ready to listen and held onto the recommendation. Tonight, knowing that I am creating the negativity around me, I have decided to listen to the audiobook and I'm so very glad that I did. It's the push I needed and found myself recognising a lot of what was said.

The soul attracts that which it secretly harbours, that which it loves and also that which it fears

Time to move on! ......

Twins at Totstime was good today; we welcomed a couple of new families and had lots of multiple mummies join us. Ashleigh was exhausted by the playing, as when we got home, she didn't stir and slept on the settee.

My blip picture today is of Aj, curious of what Daddy is doing. She patiently sat watching Peach have a shave, confused by the white stuff on his face! It took her a while to raise a cheeky grin at him.

DM has had another fab swimming lesson, she spent most of the lesson trying to do butterfly crawl (and not quite grasping it) and then the last length was freestyle and she chose butterfly; which happened to be almost perfect!

R&P are really coming into their own now. Their individual characters make me smile and giggle.

I am very fortunate to have the family and friends that I have - Thank you!!!

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