Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

Ssshhh, I'm hiding!

Today has been a bit of a relaxed day. I was up from 11.45pm till 2.15am last night/this morning with Aj. It could be teething or it could be another infection. We'll see how tonight goes.
We all had a lovely morning at "Jessie's house"; the girls got to play with friends while mummy's put the world to rights ;o)
Our afternoon was spent cuddled under the eiderdown with R&P whilst watching UP. Ruby fell asleep, but Penny was too concerned by the dogs in the film - Aj was asleep upstairs. One of the joys of twins, whilst one may settle and have a snooze, the other is likely to be alert and busy ;o)
After watching the DVD R&P decided to play hide & seek. It was lovely to watch them share and take it in turns to hide. They both hid in the same place every time - under my legs covered by the eiderdown. However, at one point R&P got distracted with what was on the telly so much so that Pops forgot she was hiding and settled herself on the floor. She stayed here as in the pic for nearly an hour. I genuinely believe that if it wasn't for my interruptions of taking photographs, she'd have been asleep!
DM went to a friends after school and then came home to help Peach with our evening meal. R&P were very good with their manners when given their dinner, it was lovely to hear them being grateful to "Chef Daisy-May".
As I got DM dry after her shower tonight, I had a Mummy moment and stopped to look at her. The realisation that she's growing up; the little (tall) lady she's becoming and just how beautiful she really is - it's all a bit scary!!
We've had a lovely evening with our usual Wednesday visit from Auntie Car-Car and to top it off she brought chocolate with her - always a win in my mind!

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