...falling through the air......

Got in from the quiz at around 11...Phil dropped me at the end of the road......I took two steps...and the snow started......home is 50 metres from the corner....I was white from head to foot when I got to the door.

I took this shot 10 minutes after getting in....and it's still falling! The weather forecast says it will keep going all night...maybe I'll get the snow text in the morning.

We lost in the quiz tonight....but it was a good match....nip and tuck all the way...and we like the Hare and Hounds....good beer and delicious hot pork butties and chips for supper.....so we didn't feel too bad. We can't win the League.....but we should have a good handicap for the Cup!

Some for you to try.
1. Who's 2nd symphony is called The Resurrection?
2. In Greek myth who was the mother of Castor and Pollux?
3. Which surrealist painter painted Giraffe on Fire in 1937?
4. Which detective made his first appearance in Beeton's Christmas Annual in 1887?
5. Which monarch was known as "The wisest fool in Christendom".
6. Which king was known as the "Merry Monarch"
7. Which metal has the atomic number 74 and has the second highest melting point after carbon?
8. Which metal has the atomic number 3 and is the lightest of all metals?
9. In which country is the port of Pusan?
10.Who was the President of the USA at the time of the Wall St Crash?
11. Who was the US President at the end of World War I?
12. Who discovered the planet Uranus?
13. The gaps between the rings of Saturn are named after which astronomer?
14. In which country is the port of Chittagong?
15. "Laughing Gravy" is the title of a short film starring which comedy duo?

Das vidanya moy padruga.

1. Gustav Mahler
2. Leda
3. Salvador Dali.
4. Sherlock Holmes.
5. James II
6. Charles II
7. Tungsten
8. Lithium
9. South Korea
10. Herbert Hoover
11. Woodrow Wilson
12. William Herschel
13. Giovanni Cassini
14. Bangladesh
15. Laurel & Hardy

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