.....time in Siberia......

It was like Siberia here this morning....biting wind....snow blizzard....dreadful journey to work.

We were 20% down on staff at the start of school...needed to double up some classes...I had 53 in my room.

Quite appropriate really......tomorrow morning at 4.00 two of our staff and a small group of students are off for a week in Omsk....how I wish I was going back there...maybe I'll get one more chance before retirement beckons...maybe hebs could get a chance too...how cool would that be.... a week in Siberia with my work wife!

I've asked Peter to see if he can get me a couple of packs of these Black Russians while he's there.....one can but hope.

The weather here is still foul......very cold....wind from the North.....heavy rain showers...and all the snow turning to slush....still only 3 more get ups until half term!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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