The Cardboard Box

Inside a cardboard box, a child is in a world of his or her own where anything is possible.
The Chinese invented cardboard in the 1600s. The English then developed the first commercial cardboard box in the 1800's.
Over the years, children realized the possibilities were endless as far as cardboard boxes were concerned. They turned them into all kinds of playthings. The strength of the box and the fact that it's light weight makes them a big hit! All it takes is a little imagination and before you know it you have a fort, a castle or a cave.
I had a delivery today of a mattress cushion and with any luck at all I'll sleep better tonight. (fingers crossed!) However the content of the box was not the important thing to my grandchildren. Once the box was emptied they saw an opportunity to have fun! The laughing, giggles and screeches of happy kids was worth keeping that big box in the middle of my living room for the entire day.
I had to grab my phone to capture the blip so the quality of the photo is not the best but those smile sure are!

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