
A doe, her yearling (I'm guessing at that), and a buck suddenly found themselves face to face as I watched to see what would happen. The yearling appears to be intimidated by the aggressive buck, and the doe looks alarmed, and who wouldn't be? One slash with the buck's antler or hoof could cause some serious damage. In a smart move, the yearling backed away, avoiding a potentially dangerous confrontation

I made it to the park for a walk today for only the second time this week. When it rained early in the week, the temperature hovered around 60 degrees Fahrenheit for a couple of days and all the lovely snow melted. At the end of the week the thermometer took a dive to almost single digit temperatures, which is way below freezing (We're talking Fahrenheit temperatures and freezing is 32 degrees). Then on Friday the snow machine started up again and continued through today. I'm not complaining. I like the snow...until mid-March when I am ready for daffodils, forsythia, and migrating birds, along with much warmer temperatures of course. Meanwhile we'll take whatever comes.

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