The dog is supplementing his fresh food diet .
A brief return to summer today, sun and warmth and very very welcomed. Had coffee outside in the new garden chair which had so much use in April and May , prob haven’t used them in last 6 weeks of Irish summer.
Getting the house together for exciting visit of Mikes daughter , partner and Drake , their 3 year old. We haven’t seen each other since just before Christmas , noooo ! it’s never been this long before . So now we are all allowed travel within the country they’re coming to stay for a long weekend :0)
Dinner of organic sausages from friends farm ( meat with a face and a very very happy life) , mountains of greens (our community farm is pumping out 3 sorts of kale, chard, spinach, mange tout/ sugar snap peas). The sausages were great tasting , just looked like a cat poo when cooked !
Started watching Space Force, we were definitely laughing .

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