Caelan pointing the finger..... Purdy the lab had leapt out of the long grass while we were riding which spooked the horses, We had swapped rides and Caelan was just having the last 10 mins of the ride on Daisy bareback
( as still awaiting saddle). Well the woman was a marvel, she not only stayed on whist Daisy leapt sideways and then bolted but she managed to steer her round a tight bend because she quite reasonably thought she was going to jump the fence. I was behind on the much calmer Mollie ( with a saddle) who wasn’t going to be left behind so went with her. I watched as they skidded round the corner expecting her to come off / slide off/ hop off . My shout if of ‘just stay on and hang on to her mane ‘ wasn’t required, she had thighs of steel ! They galloped of and stopped safely a hundred metres later. Phew
Extra is Hubs the Grandad doing some late night re-bonding after a 6 month separation from our gorgeous little grandson , fruit was the medium ! It is just fantastic to have them for the weekend and to be a temporary micro family , so many hugs already x

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