Eco Dad +

By EcoDad


Felt much better today and got quite alot finished at work.

I walked to football coaching along the canal. I love this bit of railway, I spent most of my summers hanging around here either fishing on the canal or playing on the railway sidings when I was young.

In fact I laughed as I remembered when we all hid in the tunnel under the canal to tape record the trains coming through the tunnel. There was indented areas in the tunnel to hide in as the train came past close by.

We also used to have huge games of football on the old playing fields now houses besides this junction.

Now the confession, I was a train spotter and when I played rugby I was known to run to the side of the pitch to get the train number as it passed, much to the bewilderment of my team.

It all now seems so enclosed with houses and over grown with trees and scrub.

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