A time for everything

By turnx3

Holmes County trail

After a fairly early breakfast, Roger and I headed up towards the north east of the state, towards Amish country, almost a three hour drive. I had packed us a picnic lunch, which we had on a grassy area next to our car, at the start of our bike ride for the day - 20 miles return, from Fredericksburg to just past Millersburg. This is a unique trail, since it is double width, one half for bikes, and one half for Amish buggies - we did see one along our route, but in general the trail was pretty quiet - it’s so nice being able to do things during the week, now Roger is retired! We cycled through part of Killbuck marsh, where we saw a couple of herons fly overheard, saw and heard several red-winged blackbirds, and heard lots of frogs/toads. Then we passed through the small settlement of Holmesville, bottom left, then the town of Millersburg and the railway depot at Hipp Station, bottom right. In this area we saw several groundhogs crossing the trail from time to time - see extra. We spent the night at a hotel in Mount Vernon, and ate out at an Italian restaurant, with well-spaced tables and not many diners, but pretty good food. I have put in an extra of a groundhog - we saw several along the trail!

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