Last Supper
The end of our mini-break dawned earlier for some than for others. I was up, showered, some work done and packing finished before I bothered rousing the troops.
Once the breakfasting and packing was done, I washed all the dishes with shampoo (I don’t think he had the apartment set up right - no cleaning stuff and no bin, but we did our best) while the others packed, then I scurried all the sand out, and off we headed to the beach.
After several scorching days it probably good for our skin that it was cooler and cloudy today. So we rested in the shade of a Greek harbour wall until lunch beckoned.
I think this restaurant is getting used to my ordering now as, for the first time, my having a main course salad and a couple of tapas was not greeted with the usual (what, all at the same time?) question. And the manager came over to say hello today - so clearly we are now regulars....
Work intruded on the end of lunch, and the next hour or so saw me editing documents at the shady end of a car park while the others snoozed off lunch on the beach. Then off north to banditoland for shopping (while I did a zoom leaving party) and on north (while I edited documents) and finally home.
I knew work would intrude on the holiday (though didn’t think it would be that much) but it was regardless an important break, morally and for our mental health. TallGirl will soon enough not join our holidays (she disputes this) so it felt good to have that break.
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