
Today was a repeat of yesterday, except I didn’t bake and we got wet out walking. The garden is mostly done, lawn needs mowing in a couple of days. All the borders have been cut back and steps clear. The rose bush was out of control and hubby cut it back and brought in some of the flowers. It looked nicer when we arrived but the grass will improve I think, and we can now use the steps. Worked in the garden in the morning and headed off for a walk after lunch but didn’t go as far as planned as it rained heavily just as we left and again just as we returned to the village. Continued with jobs indoors and the cottage is feeling much cleaner. I made a black bean stew and Yorkshire puddings for dinner.
Hopefully we will get a longer walk tomorrow.
I fell asleep watching The Sinner last night so plan to watch something with a bit more action tonight and hopefully stay awake until bedtime.

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