Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Gone to Seed

This American Goldfinch was busy digging seeds out of this thistle pod.  White filaments were flying everywhere!  In most of my shots, the bird's head was obscured by them.  These were my only shots because I didn't have to be out more than a few minutes before I realized it was much too hot to be standing in the sun!

I've been trying to revise my sleep schedule but I'm so used to staying up late that it's been difficult.  Last night, though, the fireworks (illegal) were so loud and went on until after midnight.  We couldn't have slept if we wanted to, and poor Piper was pacing and panting so she needed lots of hugs.  We finally all went to sleep and I slept until 10:30 this morning when PD came in to see if I was breathing.  And that's why I was out with my camera in the blazing sun! ;-)

I am grateful that Pipersdad came in to check on me or I might have slept until noon!  Even so, sleeping until 10:30 does not bode well for going to bed early tonight....

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