Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Sights from my Bike Ride

Well...the raccoon is actually from my chimney and it was taken just after sunset last night.  Even though I rode 32 miles, I actually didn't have enough photos from the ride to fill my collage today, so little "Rocky" had to stand in.  It's not because there wasn't anything photoworthy, it was just too darn hot to stop very often!  I managed to get up and be on the road at 9:30 when it was 76F (about 24C) and it was 97 (36) when I got home at 12:30.  It wasn't too bad as long as I was moving but I was glad to get into my air-conditioned house at the end!

Top row:  A Killdeer, a silly sculpture in the middle of nowhere, and a farm cart, also in the middle of nowhere.  On the unattended cart was a price list and a cash box.  Most of the veggies were already gone and, sadly, so were the fresh raspberries.  
Middle row:  Lagerman Reservoir, Rocky, and wildflowers along the road.  I set off to ride around the reservoir but when I was about 3/4 of the way around, the road was blocked for wildlife protection, so I had to turn around.  The baby raccoons have been very active and have been out of the chimney, prowling at night.  They're still returning, though.  They need to move on!!
Bottom row:  Ranch sign of the day, weathervane, and Red-tailed Hawk.  People are so creative with the names of their homesteads. :-)

My niece texted me while I was riding to ask if I wanted to ride on Wednesday.  We are going to meet on a fairly shady trail at 9 AM.  It's supposed to be even hotter as the week progresses.  She's still learning and gaining confidence so it will be an easy ride.  I am grateful that I got an early start (for me anyway) today as the temperature continued to rise and was 102 degrees the last time I checked! 

Thank you to everyone who visited and sprinkled stars and hearts on my blips yesterday and today.  I appreciate all of them! xx

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