Sentinel Oak

It is a still, hot day today. I finished Stephanie's quilt top* and cleaned up my sewing space. John fixed the closet door and I vacuumed the dog hair,  threads and pins from the rug. I don't really like doing Pilates on a rug, but it will be more pleasant knowing for sure that it is relatively pin and dog hair free.I hung up the quilt and  will confer with Kathy about the backing and confer with myself about  quilting it.

I was motivated to go out and look for a blip today but Dana came over, and we sat outside drinking iced coffee and talking about the garden in a desultory sort of way. John is now motivated to go to the Cottage Garden Nursery tomorrow and I think I will probably go with him. By the time these weighty decisions were made, all motivation to get in the car and drive anywhere had vanished and I walked instead up to the field to check out the brush clearing that was done under the oak tree last week. 

I was pleased to see what a good job was done and how nicely the tree 
stands out against the dry stubble. We are assuming they will come back for the remainder of the cut branches that didn't fit in the truck, but one never knows....I will have to get some new prayer flags for the tree....

Back again: I have been informed that I have reached a new milestone. It must be eight years. Although being confined to quarters so much has certainly challenged my blip mojo, the connection with this wonderful community has only grown richer and more satisfying as we all grapple with so many new challenges. It is certainly reassuring to rely on Blipfoto for connections, friendships, wonderful photography and just being there.Thank you to everybody who makes it all possible.


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