
By LyndyH

It's you back again!

The horses recognise me and my Little Man now every time we go to walk in Colney Woods. They always come over to see us, even if they are busy chomping on their hay or their turnips. I like to think its because they want to say hello and get a bit of fuss. But I do know it's probably because of the apple and carrot I bring for them ..... sorry, I still can't resist!

It was a bit tricky trying to get a perfect shot with my iPhone and feeding them at the same time. I came away with lots of close-ups which is what I wanted. I chose to show you this one, because I think it's quirky and I love the angle of the horizon. No design intended, just a happy accident.

In case you are wondering about Harris, he was very patient whilst this was going on. He just stood with his head pressed against my leg waiting for me to move. It's a position he adopts whenever I stand still whether we're out or indoors. I can be doing the washing up, cleaning my teeth, cooking .... whenever I stand still, he's always by my legs touching me. I'm his security blanket!

Oh, and before I go, it's snowing again :)

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