Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Cherry pink

Thank you for all the love yesterday. Much appreciated. 

They say life isn’t always a bowl of cherries, so I bought two and am going to breed them until I have enough to fill one. A kind of cherry stud farm. These two seem very fond of each other.


I came across a lovely new word in the novel I am reading today: freshet. Go google it.


Strider came home from a day out with friends today. He had walked to Shamley Green and back. 27 miles and 56,000 steps. WTF.


TSM was feeding the cats tonight and talking to them, as she does. "I’ve got you some lovely new food. Yummy duck and turkey." Then she remembered we are vegan even if the cats aren’t and said sadly "Poor duck. Poor turkey". 

It has been a long day for both of us.

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