
By Beewriter

Gas Masks On

What a day! I woke up to a white world this morning. Considering it was only a few centimetres of snow it brought everywhere to a standstill. I walked to school and was one of the first to get there, children and staff dribbled in and the snow kept falling.

I was going with prep 6 to Stockport air raid shelters today, but the snow kept falling, the traffic wasn't moving and staff were struggling to get to school, so it was all very hectic. Staff from the shelters phoned to see if we were still able to go, parents were phoning in to see if we could delay setting off because they were stuck in traffic and there were problems over who was driving the mini buses. I was asked to drive one but I didn't want the responsibility of the children in such awful conditions. It was sorted eventually and we set off. Two children didn't arrive in time and poor Matt drove us all to Stockport, then back to school only to be told to take the two latecomers to Stockport. He then had to make a third journey to pick us all up at the end of the day.

Matt didn't know where he was going (on journey number one) so I added the postcode to the satnav on my phone, I really should have put my glasses on. Fortunately as it told us to leave the M60 and join the M62 and head for Birmingham Catherine, Matt and I all went, "What!!!" Oooops, I had it set for somewhere in London. A quick readjustment and we headed for Stockport.

We did arrive safely and it was a great day. I'm glad to get my feet up now though after standing all day. The snow turned to hail, the hail turned to sleet and the sleet turned to rain, so the white world is now just a wet , soggy place... again.

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