
By Beewriter

Knit Wit

"Have you blipped yet today?"
"No. I will bring my camera with me, so think of something!"
"I have enough trouble thinking of my own!"

These were the texts that passed between the friend I was going to meet in the Trafford Centre and myself. We met in John Lewis and started to chat and catch up on all the gossip when I remembered the texts, "So are you on blip now ?" Yes, she said she was. "What is your name on it?" " Debzy13."

I couldn't believe it, I'm being all nicey nice thinking Debzy13 was someone who I've just met on blip...not a friend I've known for years! Anyway we had a good laugh about it...well mainly her laughing at me.

We had a mooch around the wool as she is going to knit a jumper and so we took the opportunity to take a couple of pics. The wool theme fitted in well with me today as I'm hoping to start a project at school where we knit a square and make a blanket.

One more day to go and then half term....yippee!

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