Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Bb Gardener

Back blip

Here's Bb, all masked and gloved up to cut back the ivy and jasmine on our back wall from the other side of the wall.  To do that he needs to enter through the unoccupied ground floor flat on that street, which he got the keys for from the building president a few days ago.  It's not a pleasant job at the best of the times, but in this heat and with the additional accessories this year of the mask and gloves, it was even more daunting. He's carrying cutters, gardening gloves and rubbish bags too, so that he can take the cut greenery to the bins afterwards.  I couldn't help think that he looked like a chimney sweep as he was heading off! 

Every year at this time we have a bird's nest on our back wall and the poor parents were very distressed when they saw what he was up to, even though he deliberately didn't do much near the nest.  One of the parents sat in our hibiscus tree the whole time, chirping loudly, and not in a happy way! 

A job well done and while he was doing that, I made Jamie Oliver's chilli again as we enjoyed it so much last time.  So chilli on the patio for dinner and half in the freezer for a lazy dinner one night.   I think we must have gone for a walk at some point too and probably both did some desk work.  

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