Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Patio Corner and Lime Tree

Sorry that it's another patio shot. We grandly call this corner the rockery. The succulents in yesterday's blip are just to the right of this shot and you can see the rugged banana tree leaf which was the shadow yesterday. We’ve just discovered that the tree in the big blue chipped pot is a lime tree. We found a teeny wee fruit on it and used the app PlantSnap to identify it, helped by the spikes on the branches. Neither of us remember buying it or repotting a cutting! One lemon (tree in the foreground) and one lime now growing - what a harvest this year!

The strange-looking white fruits are solar lamps, a pressie from my sister-law. One set is on the roof terrace, another on the outside patio stairs. This set still to be placed.

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