Unintentional Selfie

I made a very intentional potato salad with great mindfulness. I seem to have been drifting from one thing to another without discernible result today, and decided some concentration was needed to achieve one thing today. John went to play golf with Jim and the boys, leaving me with an hour to kill before a zoom Pilates class which I spent staring out the window and watching the birds.

Turns out I only thought I had signed up for the class. By the time I realized that I hadn't actually done it, it was too late and the morning was gone. The two women who run the studio must be going crazy trying to coordinate a schedule that includes zoom mat classes, in-studio reformer classes and private clients....especially when the threat of another shutdown lurks with new deaths happening in the county every day.

Outside, the sun was shining on the screen of my phone and I didn't realize that what I thought was going to be a picture of the sun filtering down through the arbor had accidentally turned into a selfie when my finger hit the lens reverse button and the sun darkened the screen. I have been thinking that it's about time for another documentation of hair growth. It's been such a disaster lately that I haven't been very motivated.....maybe if I send it to my hairdresser she will take pity on me....

I read an excellent article in the New York Times Sunday magazine called America's Enduring Caste System by Isabel Wilkerson.
Here is an excerpt:

America is an old house.we can never declare the work (on it) over. Wind, flood, drought and human upheavals batter a structure that is already fighting whatever flaws were left  unattended in the original foundation. when you live in an old house, you may not want to go into the basement to see who the rains have wrought. Choose not to look, however, at your own peril. The owner of an old house knows that whatever you are ignoring will never go away. Whatever is lurking will fester whether you choose to look or not. Ignorance is no protection from the consequences of inaction. Whatever you are wishing away will gnaw at you until you gather the courage to face what you would rather not see.

We in this country are like homeowners who inherited a house that is beautiful on the outside but whose soil is unstable loam and rock heaving and cracking over generations....Not one of us was here when the house was built. Our immediate ancestors may have had nothing to do with it but here we are , the current occupants of a property with stress cracks, and bowed walls and fissures in the foundation. We are the heirs to whatever is right or wrong with it. We did not erect the uneven pillars or joists, but they are ours to deal with now.

Before I feel like hanging up the red white and blue bunting and setting off the fireworks, I think it is time to give some serious thought to how we are going to shore up the building and tear down the scaffolding of caste  racism and income inequality which is currently holding it up.

Joining together to get rid of Trump in November is a good place to start. I'll do everything I can to make that happen....

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