SDW Day 3: Housedean to Pyecombe

Despite the forecast the rain kicked in mid-morning and we spent most of the day trudging through heavy winds and constant drizzle.  Mainly because we were actually in cloud cover which also meant we missed the apparently lovely views from Ditchling Beacon. The land was given to the National Trust by the father of a pilot killed at Battle of Britain aged only 21.  This picture of a dew pond with two hawthorns is up at the top.  Bit of a run in with some cows (V and Woody v nervous of them due to previous altercations) but did a nifty evasive move via a Hampshire gate and a neighbouring field.  Dropped down into Pyecombe made aware of Sussex wealth by the golf club and riding stables.  Drove to get the hire car from Housedean and then took both cars back to East Meon. The cottage felt like home when we got there.  Shorter day 8 1/2 miles.  

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