Hell or High Water.

It is definitely the latter for the Arbo pond, which is the lesser evil it has to be said! When I walked there water was overflowing the pond on the other side and running down the bank and out onto the road like a river! The foliage around the pond and on its little island is growing wildly too!

There's an extra of a very friendly young squirrel!

I waited until after lunch to go out. It was bright this morning but by the time I'd done housework and made a Spotify Playlist it was dark and throwing it down again. 

We had bangers, mash, Yorkshires, veg and gravy for tea tonight. Brian's expert at sausage cooking. I'm not.I followed the packaging instructions and the sausages were still raw. By the time they were cooked (Higher temp for another 10 mins) they were welded to the foil in the pan because I didn't know just turning them over halfway through cooking as directed wasn't enough and I should have shook the tin! They broke getting them out and it looked like I'd cut everyone's sausages up for them! (Except Jae's as his vegan ones cooked perfectly!) Maybe next time I will leave it to someone who knows what they are doing! 

While I was washing up after tea I got a call from Estelle, my parents' neighbour. This caused a bit of panic as she's not in the habit of ringing for a chat. It turned out she doesn't have my Dad's mobile number and he'd mislaid his phone. She wanted me to call it so he could find it. Phew!

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