Un cadeau Français

Today's the day …………………… to receive

Lockdown put lots of things on hold - and not just over here.

You might remember that I had a significant birthday in the middle of it all - which actually was lovely and spent in just the sort of way that I would have chosen.  But I know that our good friends Marc and Marie Claire, who live in France where the Lockdown was even more restricting than here, were sorry not to have been able to send me a present as they normally would have.

Well, they did not forget - and today this beautifully wrapped (and oh so French) gift arrived in the post.  It's a summer top, the same sort of cerise colour as the wrapping paper and it fits perfectly.  That kind of present is worth waiting for, however long it takes to arrive.

Merci beaucoup mes amis ………………….!  

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