Fresh Apricot Flan

Today's the day ………………………. for lunch in the garden

My friend Ann invited us over for lunch today which was very nice - and the first non-family outing we've had since lockdown.

We sat in the sun in her lovely garden and ate a delicious, three-course, freshly cooked meal - ending with this apricot flan.  It was good to sit and relax and catch up with all that had been happening in her world. 

Beside us, there was a little solar-powered fountain (see extra) - with the water jet coming out of the mouth of a frog into a green pool.  I couldn't help thinking that Grandson Dominic would have loved it - mainly because he loves frogs and water - but also because it made a little burping noise when the sun came out and the fountain started working …………………..!   

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